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Showing posts with label Social Ecology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Ecology. Show all posts
Oct 9, 2015
Dialectical Communitarian Anarchism as the Negation of Domination: A Review of "The Impossible Community"
Aug 15, 2015
The Emergence of Eco-decentralism
Mumford Gutkind Bookchin:
The Emergence of Eco-decentralism
Janet Biehl http://www.biehlonbookchin.com/books/
http://www.biehlonbookchin.com |
the 1950s the aging Rose Bookchin still lived in the old apartment in East
Tremont, the Bronx neighborhood where she and her family had lived since 1920
and where her son Murray had grown up. Rose had been a diabetic for two decades
and was nearly blind. She was incapable of giving herself daily insulin
injections, so every day Murray took the Third Avenue El to East Tremont to
administer them.
would step onto the platform, and if he looked to the south, he could see over
the tops of the buildings the trees of Crotona Park. Then down the stairs and
onto the sidewalk, and he stroke briskly past his old street-side haunts: the
kosher butcher, the deli with pickles and whitefish and knishes, the old candy
store, the dairy with its slabs of butter — the old familiar shops were still
there. Most of the kids he’d known in YCL had moved away too, but their parents
still lived here — the buildings were rent controlled, after all, and it suited
them fine. The vacancy rate in East Tremont was less than one percent. Snatches
of Yiddish in the streets came to his ears, as in the old days, a comforting
sound as always. One difference: the farmers from New Jersey who’d brought
their produce over the bridge into the Bronx — they didn’t come here anymore.
Their farmlands were paved over. No one was farming there or in Yonkers now.
Feb 22, 2014
Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
Resistance and Sabotage !
This call-out is motivated by:
=> the call-out of the NoTAV movement at Val di Susa in Italy calling for a national day (22 02 2014) of mobilisation and action, each one in their area, city, environment.
=> the call-out of the ZAD movement at Notre-dame-des-Landes in France calling for a national manifestation in Nantes, France
This is a call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
- A day of action and sabotage to abolish all those megalomaniacs, devastating projects with the illusions of a durable development, green capitalism, geo-engeenering !
- A day of action and sabotage to regain our freedom and rights to take decisions about our own lives, our environment, our planet,( in a emancipated manner), instead of those in position of global decision-making, who are using the flag of democracy to impose their society of totalitarian power.
- A day of action and sabotage to bring to a halt the destructions and exploitation of entire species, the waste of tons of raw materials and natural resources everyday, justified by the term ’public interest’, while behind it there’s only money, profit and capital.
- A day of action and in solidarity with all those who fight, and for all those that lost their freedom and especially all those that are oppressed or imprisoned as "terrorists" or as simple delinquents.
- A day of action and convergence with all those struggles heading for a different world, where life and common values are worth more than money, competition and dominance.
No border ! No Nation ! No Pasaran ! No more BULLSHIT !
From the ZAD to Val Susa !
From Hambacher Forst to Square Taksim ?
From Calais to Lampedusa
Hambourg to Exarchia
From Heathrow to Atenco
From Valogne to Wendland
From Niscemi to Mayo
Monte Belo to Khimki
Fukushima to Tshernobyle
From prison to prison
Resistance et Sabotage !
Jan 28, 2014
ZAD, France: This is not a camp
Jan 27 2014
it’s a pirate look-out |
Following various
announcements for a possible start of construction of the Notre Dame des
Landes airport, a series of articles were released in the press that
pretty much regurgitated copy-pasted clichés. One of these articles
caught our attention notably. In almost all the articles that would
preach the possible eviction and the final catastrophe of ZAD we read
“200 people, alter-globalists, continue to camp in ZAD.” The figure
might seem rough. The term “alter-globalists” is not a term that the
people who chose to fight against the airport and the world of
“development” would embrace. But we don’t give a damn about that! For
now we will hang on to the bad joke that describes what’s happening here
as “camping”.
Aug 22, 2013
We don’t want your American dream!
We don’t want your dream, we want ours. Don’t enforce your dream on us or we will fight you away!
- we want everyone’s different and self defined dream, the ones you can not sell to us
We don’t want a huge house full of automation,
- we want a little home full of rational simplicity
We don’t want a huge car on a huge highway, over huge bridges and tunnels, for hundreds of miles every day,
- we want simple clean transportation to the few places close by and once in a long while to visit some faraway place of interest, even if it takes too long to get there.
We don’t want huge dams and pipelines, artificial reservoirs, and chemical treatment plants
- we want clean local water from natural resources
We don’t want mass produced industrial food
- we want to locally grow clean, sustainable, organic, authentic, fresh food
We don’t want machines made out of strange dangerous metals from deep inside earth and billions of tons of toxic waste pumped through the fields around your mines,
- we want simple machines made of already plentiful recyclable materials that would last for generations
Aug 5, 2013
La ZAD is not a story that is told, it is a story that is lived
Testimonies > La ZAD is not a story that is told, it is a story that is lived
La ZAD is not a story that is told, it is a story that is lived.
You are sleeping, this is a dream.
After an hour and a half on the road, we arrive at Notre-Dame-des-Landes. We park in a small parking lot, across from the town hall. A graffitied road sign loudly proclaims “ZAD”; we are not very far.
If, regarding urbanisation, the acronym ZAD means “Zone d’Amenagement
Differé”(Zone of Deferred Development), for us it takes different
meanings. The 2000 hectares upon which Vinci plans to build an airport
and companion road network have been re-baptised “Zone à Défendre” (Zone
to Defend) by the project’s opponents. This project will not be
realised. The project’s opponents already are envisaging the future and
the possibilities of putting their desires into practice. Coming from a
defensive position, they now fight “for”, for a “Zone d’Autonomie
Définitive” (Zone of Definitive Autonomy).
You are sleeping, this is a dream.
After an hour and a half on the road, we arrive at Notre-Dame-des-Landes. We park in a small parking lot, across from the town hall. A graffitied road sign loudly proclaims “ZAD”; we are not very far.

Aug 2, 2013
The Effective Extremist Collective
... they can't be too extreme or else they will be ignored ...
"First, social-psychological studies of small groups show that "moral exemplars" -- those who stand outside the general consensus and at first are labeled as "extremists" -- can often be very effective, but with one important qualification: they can't be too extreme or else they will be ignored. Thus, the trick for any social change agent is to be just extreme enough to be an "effective extremist."
Second, historical case studies of social change show that a very small number of highly organized and disciplined people, drawing great energy from their strong moral beliefs and supreme confidence in their shared theoretical analysis, can have a big impact."
What Social Science Can Tell Us About Social Change
http://www2.ucsc.edu/ whorulesamerica/change/ science.html
"First, social-psychological studies of small groups show that "moral exemplars" -- those who stand outside the general consensus and at first are labeled as "extremists" -- can often be very effective, but with one important qualification: they can't be too extreme or else they will be ignored. Thus, the trick for any social change agent is to be just extreme enough to be an "effective extremist."
Second, historical case studies of social change show that a very small number of highly organized and disciplined people, drawing great energy from their strong moral beliefs and supreme confidence in their shared theoretical analysis, can have a big impact."
What Social Science Can Tell Us About Social Change
by G. William Domhoff
March 2005
http://www2.ucsc.edu/Jul 19, 2013
Review of “Recovering Bookchin” by Andy Price
Author/journalist Debbie Bookchin and ISE Board member Bea Bookchin offer this in-depth review of Andy Price’s new book, Recovering Bookchin (New Compass Press, November 2012):
While such a task might have resulted in a book reserved for those
already familiar with Bookchin’s work, that is not the case here: Price,
a senior lecturer in Politics at Sheffield Hallam University, U.K.,
provides such a clear rendering not only of Bookchin’s thought, but also
of the concerns of Bookchin’s critics, that his book serves also as one
of the most cohesive and readable introductions to the philosophy and
social theory of Murray Bookchin.
After describing the enormous impact that Bookchin’s ideas and
writing had on radical political thought prior to 1987, Price focuses on
two specific periods of Bookchin’s work. The first begins with the
Gathering of American Greens conference in Amherst in 1987 that
initiated the social ecology vs. deep ecology debate. The second begins
eight years later in 1995 with the social anarchism vs. lifestyle
anarchism, and subsequently, anarchism vs. communalism debates. Price
provides a detailed summary of the long literature in which these
debates and argumentation took place and shows that Bookchin’s
criticisms of these two movements stemmed not from an egotistical desire
to protect his turf, or some kind of querulous argumentative streak, as
his critics contended, but were compelled by the need to defend and
explicate the philosophical and political implications of his life’s
work. These interventions by Bookchin, Price explains, were “a direct
philosophical and political expression of his own theoretical
Jul 16, 2013
Murray Bookchin’s social ecology: communalism as evolutions path to self-consciousness, freedom and ethics
Murray Bookchin’s social ecology: communalism as evolutions path to self-consciousness, freedom and ethics
huhtikuu 30, 2010 Tekijä svantemalmstrom
Another article written by Jyri Jaakkola translated to english. Jyri was killed in Oaxaca, Mexico 26.4.2010.
Murray Bookchin’s social ecology: communalism as evolutions path to self-consciousness, freedom and ethics
In Elonkehä’s number 10/03 Olli Tammilehto pointed to John Clarks and
David Watsons attempts to combine deep ecology and social ecology. The
basics of deep ecology are most likely familiar to Elonkehä’s readers,
but what is social ecology?
Social ecology is typically connected to Murray Bookchin, an
American, and I will discuss his ideas in this article. According to
Bookchin nearly all ecological problems are social problems. Ecological
crisis is caused by the capitalist society, but it has deeper roots in
social hierarchies. Social ecology proposes replacing state and
capitalism with an ecological society, that is based on relations
without hierarchy, geographically decentralized communities,
ecotechnology, organic agriculture and human scale production
Social ecology denies a clear division or a inevitable opposition
between nature and humanity or society. Movement from nature to society
is gradual and basic problems that pit society against nature are
growing within social evolution – not between nature and society.
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