This will be a dynamic growing list of information that can assist groups of people to address their physical needs and solve practical problems. Eventually articles and documents that fall under this section will be classified within this structure in one or more appropriate categories. This list will serve as a database of practical resources that can never be absolute or imply specific proposals. Communities based on their settings, needs, geography, capacity, and environmental factors will set their own needs and priorities to address these issues and propose solutions to problems faced.
Physics, when it comes to real life physical environment and life problems can and should be used as a screen to eliminate proposed solutions that do not really constitute real solutions or do not create more problems than they can solve. (i.e. Growing crops for making biofuel to power generators that will power pumps for irrigation of the same fields used for those crops IS NOT A SOLUTION to a problem. It is as if one is trying to deplete the soil for the shake of depleting the soil. It makes any physicist laugh and this will offend the poet who proposed it, if not explained properly. As we need neither the authority of the physicist or the poet in the community we must use the distribution of knowledge to avoid such roles.)
Social Physics & Information Library
1 Social Organization (theory -> action & action -> theory) #1
2 Foundation of Community (Land - Freedom - Equality - Justice - Dignity - Education - Autonomy) #2 <Without one you can not possibly have any of the others>
A Housing/Shelter
1 Human individual needs (1[building technique and materials ],2,3,4,5, ....)
2 Collective housing needs (1 [building technique and materials],2,3,4,5, ....)
3 Collective shelter (storage - fabrication/workshops ) (1[building technique and materials,2,3,4,5, ....)
B Health (Preventive - Curative/Medical - Hygiene - Infrastructure - Safety)
1 Nutrition
Agriculture (1 [land-capacity-and-oil-yields], 2 [land degradation], 3 [capacity of land] , 4 [various grains off the industrial list], 5 [Amaranth], 6 , 7 [water management], 8 [Peppers], 9 [Rice] ....)
Food Preparation
Water Purification (1 [water management] , 2 [water filtration] , 3, 4, ....)
2 Sanitation - Irrigation (1 [low cost community irrigation],2,3,4,5, ....)
3 Envrionment (air, soil, water bodies)
C Manufacturing/Fabrication
1 Tools
2 Raw Materials
3 Machines
D Energy Needs
1 Production
2 Efficiency
3 Conservation
E Transportation (land - sea - air)
1 Products/Materials
2 People
F Communication - Information
1 Communication within and between communities
2 Media of mass information (news from the people, by the people, and to the people)
G Culture & Entertainment
note: This structure here and the numbering system of the articles organized in categories is something temporary as to provide the grounds for a better filing system. It would have to be a system that would be self explanatory to most and become as the central entry point to the documentation filed. Like a map and directory of the Institute at the entrance of the "building". It will be designed and implemented at the move out of this "free blog" platform into some more autonomous digital structure.
#1 Typically over the past couple of centuries social organization as a problematic has puzzled political philosophy thinkers in trying to come up with a theory that if implemented will achieve the goals and reproduce the values of the theorist and her/his followers. On the other extreme in the base there are people eager to change their living conditions by acting without a distinct destination in mind. There are merits to both as are many drawbacks. Things may make sense in paper but can not be materialized as were originally conceived. Also people trying to change their material world, the surroundings and the social relations that shape them, tend to get lost and not actually changing much. Our effort here is to be loosely guided by ideas, deal with survival problems in their most basic form, try and experiment with solutions, and somehow screen what works and what doesn't. What is the problem and whether proposed solutions and techniques really are the solutions to the problem or parts of the problem itself. If for example the solution for a small group of people becomes a major problem for many other people it is not a real solution to those that seek solutions for everyone getting along with each other. There is a vast amount of technical practical information out there and proposals that isolated from the greater picture seem great. Then there is also a great amount of theoretical information that can't be digested at the local level and is a guide to what to try out and what not even bother with.
#2 The aim is to collect and improve to a level where the information gathered can constitute a concentrated encyclopedia as a tool to any community seeking autonomy but not at the expense of other communities, the environment, or be instigating a war against powers that may not be defeated. Small rural village in India does not need to overthrow the federal government in order to collectively improve the living conditions. There will be friction against those that benefit from exploiting the people and the land of the community but what they usually expect is lack of organization by the villagers and lack of information and tools. These are things for the community to decide and struggle for and not for outsiders to dictate. Our free published manuals may serve any community that finds a value within them, but will not be manifestos on how to implement proposed solutions.
Physics, when it comes to real life physical environment and life problems can and should be used as a screen to eliminate proposed solutions that do not really constitute real solutions or do not create more problems than they can solve. (i.e. Growing crops for making biofuel to power generators that will power pumps for irrigation of the same fields used for those crops IS NOT A SOLUTION to a problem. It is as if one is trying to deplete the soil for the shake of depleting the soil. It makes any physicist laugh and this will offend the poet who proposed it, if not explained properly. As we need neither the authority of the physicist or the poet in the community we must use the distribution of knowledge to avoid such roles.)
Social Physics & Information Library
1 Social Organization (theory -> action & action -> theory) #1
2 Foundation of Community (Land - Freedom - Equality - Justice - Dignity - Education - Autonomy) #2 <Without one you can not possibly have any of the others>
A Housing/Shelter
1 Human individual needs (1[building technique and materials ],2,3,4,5, ....)
2 Collective housing needs (1 [building technique and materials],2,3,4,5, ....)
3 Collective shelter (storage - fabrication/workshops ) (1[building technique and materials,2,3,4,5, ....)
B Health (Preventive - Curative/Medical - Hygiene - Infrastructure - Safety)
1 Nutrition
Agriculture (1 [land-capacity-and-oil-yields], 2 [land degradation], 3 [capacity of land] , 4 [various grains off the industrial list], 5 [Amaranth], 6 , 7 [water management], 8 [Peppers], 9 [Rice] ....)
Food Preparation
Water Purification (1 [water management] , 2 [water filtration] , 3, 4, ....)
2 Sanitation - Irrigation (1 [low cost community irrigation],2,3,4,5, ....)
3 Envrionment (air, soil, water bodies)
C Manufacturing/Fabrication
1 Tools
2 Raw Materials
3 Machines
D Energy Needs
1 Production
2 Efficiency
3 Conservation
E Transportation (land - sea - air)
1 Products/Materials
2 People
F Communication - Information
1 Communication within and between communities
2 Media of mass information (news from the people, by the people, and to the people)
G Culture & Entertainment
note: This structure here and the numbering system of the articles organized in categories is something temporary as to provide the grounds for a better filing system. It would have to be a system that would be self explanatory to most and become as the central entry point to the documentation filed. Like a map and directory of the Institute at the entrance of the "building". It will be designed and implemented at the move out of this "free blog" platform into some more autonomous digital structure.
#1 Typically over the past couple of centuries social organization as a problematic has puzzled political philosophy thinkers in trying to come up with a theory that if implemented will achieve the goals and reproduce the values of the theorist and her/his followers. On the other extreme in the base there are people eager to change their living conditions by acting without a distinct destination in mind. There are merits to both as are many drawbacks. Things may make sense in paper but can not be materialized as were originally conceived. Also people trying to change their material world, the surroundings and the social relations that shape them, tend to get lost and not actually changing much. Our effort here is to be loosely guided by ideas, deal with survival problems in their most basic form, try and experiment with solutions, and somehow screen what works and what doesn't. What is the problem and whether proposed solutions and techniques really are the solutions to the problem or parts of the problem itself. If for example the solution for a small group of people becomes a major problem for many other people it is not a real solution to those that seek solutions for everyone getting along with each other. There is a vast amount of technical practical information out there and proposals that isolated from the greater picture seem great. Then there is also a great amount of theoretical information that can't be digested at the local level and is a guide to what to try out and what not even bother with.
#2 The aim is to collect and improve to a level where the information gathered can constitute a concentrated encyclopedia as a tool to any community seeking autonomy but not at the expense of other communities, the environment, or be instigating a war against powers that may not be defeated. Small rural village in India does not need to overthrow the federal government in order to collectively improve the living conditions. There will be friction against those that benefit from exploiting the people and the land of the community but what they usually expect is lack of organization by the villagers and lack of information and tools. These are things for the community to decide and struggle for and not for outsiders to dictate. Our free published manuals may serve any community that finds a value within them, but will not be manifestos on how to implement proposed solutions.
On this list you have created education is not part of this structure. Obviously the individual as a child needs some education in order to be able to consume this other information. It should be included on the list.
Also, the structure itself implicates a replication of the divisions of government. Isn't this countering the proposal against any government?
1 If we were to suggest an educational system for children to a community other than ours it would have to be a system imposed from above. Children are humans with needs for learning as all human are. It should be up to the community how they decide to teach and socialize children. If reading a technical manual on how to built a house is a community need than the ability to read such a manual should be obtained by those who need to read the manual. In such a mode of thinking who needs to read the history of religion? The community or the individual?
2 There is bad government and good government. Those who oppose government usually mean bad gov't because that is all they know. Those who are part of governing usually do not oppose it, but those who are governed and don't ever participate, is only natural to oppose it.
In a system where to govern is not to impose on those who are governed but to participate in how things are organized and conducted around you what is the reason one would turn against it. Would it be a system or a way of participating in community affairs? The questions are endless but there may be good government and there may be good systems.
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