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Living off the land: How much land?
As for the percentage of calories from protein, fat, and carbohydrates, I’ll use a simplification of the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations: 15% of kcal from protein, 30% from fat, 55% from carbs. [Dietary Reference Intakes: Macronutrients -- PDF] This fat percent might seem a little high at 30%. The average sedentary overweight American would be better off at 15 or 20% of kcal from fat (68% of Americans are overweight). But if you are physically active, and for kids and teens in general, a higher percent of fat is preferable. For someone using manual labor to grow all their own food, they will burn those calories off, no problem.
So we need 1 million kcal per person per year, with 300,000 kcal from fat, 150,000 kcal from protein, and 550,000 kcal from carbs. In addition to considering protein, fat, and carbohydrates in terms of kcal per year, we can also use kilograms per year. The above stated kcal levels for macronutrients work out to some fairly simple numbers in kg of protein, fat, and carbohydrates per person per year, of approximately:
protein: 35 kg per year
fat: 35 kg per year
carbs: 145 kg per year
I’ve already calculated how many kg of protein, fat, and carbohydrates various common and uncommon crops produce per unit area of land. To save you some reading and math, I’ll refer to those numbers without a long explanation. This data is based on the USDA nutrient database, the FAOSTAT database, and various other online sources in agriculture.
All these numbers should work fairly well, to a first approximation. But you are never going to be able to make a precise calculation of calories or of crop yield, in advance. Caloric and nutritional needs vary from person to person and from time to time. Agricultural data will also vary greatly. The same crop planted in the same field in two consecutive years will give different yields. There are no exact numbers in agriculture, so a first approximation is all you can use.
Carbs are relatively easy to grow in a backyard mini-farm: wheat, rice, corn, oats, potato, barley, quinoa, amaranth, etc. The chart that follows has my estimates for the kg of carbs and of protein per 100 square meters for one crop. Numbers have been rounded because, in agriculture, exact numbers are illusory. The values in parentheses are yield per hectare (10,000 sq m); the values below each crop name are per 100 sq m. (1/100th of a hectare). A hectare is 2.471 acres.
Amaranth (1000 kg/ha)
6.50 kg carbs
1.35 kg protein
Barley (1000 kg/ha)
6.25 kg carbs
1.05 kg protein
Corn (1250 kg/ha)
7.70 kg carbs
0.70 kg protein
Oats (1000 kg/ha)
5.00 kg carbs
1.25 kg protein
Potato (7000 kg/ha)
9.15 kg carbs
1.05 kg protein
Quinoa (1000 kg/ha)
6.40 kg carbs
1.40 kg protein
Rice (1000 kg/ha)
6.00 kg carbs
0.50 kg protein
Wheat (at 1000 kg/ha yield)
5.75 kg carbs
1.05 kg protein
All of the above numbers are arguable. With some luck and/or experience, you should do better.
So if you need 145 kg of carbs per year, you will want to plant 2417 sq m of rice, or 2266 sq m of quinoa, or 1585 sq m of potatoes, or 2900 sq m of oats. I would like to simplify those numbers further and say that about 2500 sq m of land will provide enough carbs, from a variety of different staple crops, for one person per year.
If you are growing for 5 persons, you could pick five of these carb crops to grow in one season, and be set for the year. If you have a crop failure or two, you will simply need to try again in the next growing season that same year (assuming you have 6 or more months of frost-free weather per year). So I’m going to consider that all your macronutrients are grown in one season, and that the remaining growing season and any ability to overwinter a crop will be in reserve, in case of initial crop failure.
If all goes well, you can plant a second crop, and have food to give away, to sell, or to barter. This extra food is important. In developing nations, when people live off the land, it is called subsistence farming. But families in that situation are much better off if they are able to grow extra food to sell or trade. It improves their quality of living immensely. So growing only as much food as you need is not a good goal.
Next, let’s consider protein sources. First, you have the protein from the above mentioned carbohydrate crops, which averages about 1 kg of protein per 100 sq m per crop. So with a carb crop of 2500 sq m (50 m by 50 m), you are getting 25 kg of protein, out of the 35 kg that you need. What is the best supplemental source of protein, when your main protein source is grains? — beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, in short: legumes of every kind.
Yields for legumes are variable. But given a low reasonable estimate of yields, a 100 square meter plot will give you approximately:
chickpeas (1000 kg/ha)
1.90 kg protein per 100 sq m
cowpeas, dried (1000 kg/ha)
2.35 kg protein
lentils (800 kg/ha)
2.05 kg protein
peas, dried (1200 kg/ha)
2.95 kg protein
soybeans (1000 kg/ha)
3.65 kg protein
yardlong beans (8000 kg/ha, whole pods)
2.25 kg protein
The average of the above examples is about 2.5 kg of protein per 100 sq m of legume crop. To gain the additional 10 kg of yearly protein that we need to add to our previous calculation, we will plant only 400 sq m of legumes, in only one crop per year. This assumes that you are going to dry much of the legume crop, to store for later use.
So now we are at 2500 plus 400 = 2900 sq m of land, one crop per year (3 to 4 months), to grow all the protein and carbs that you need per person for a full year. But the next macronutrient is problematic: dietary fat. It is easy enough to grow carbs and protein in a backyard garden or mini-farm. But dietary fat is more difficult. You basically have two options:
1. grow a high-fat food and consume the whole food (e.g. sunflower seeds, peanuts, soybeans)
2. grow a high-fat food and cold press it for the oil
The only truly small-scale economical home oil press that I’ve found is the Piteba oil press. If you search on YouTube, you can find many different videos of this press in action example. Canola seeds, safflower seeds, sunflower seeds, camelina sativa seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanuts and more can all be manually pressed to produce vegetable oil for cooking. However, several reviews I’ve read say that the yields are limited, and the device takes some practice and skill to use effectively.
Some high-fat foods that you can consume as a whole food (rather than pressing for oil) include:
pumpkin seed
sesame seed
sunflower seed
The above foods can all be pressed for oil, except soybeans, which are too low in oil (18%) for a small home press. In addition, a small oil press can be used to extract oil from:
camelina sativa
chia seed
chufa (tigernut)
flax seed
safflower seed
How much dietary fat can you obtain per 100 sq m of land? I set the yields of home-pressed oilseed below fairly low. This takes into account a possible lower yield of the oilseed crop, and the lower extraction efficiency of small home oil presses. (additional information on oil per hectare can be found here)
camelina sativa (1000 kg/ha oilseed)
1.70 kg oil per 100 sq m
canola (1000 kg/ha oilseed)
2.10 kg oil
chia seed (1000 kg/ha oilseed)
1.55 kg oil
chufa (2000 kg/ha tuber)
3.00 kg oil
flax seed (1000 kg/ha oilseed)
2.10 kg oil
peanuts (1000 kg/ha shelled)
2.50 kg oil
pumpkin seed (650 kg/ha hulless variety)
1.60 kg oil
safflower seed (1000 kg/ha oilseed)
1.90 kg oil
sesame seed (500 kg/ha oilseed; even commercial yields of sesame seed are low)
1.25 kg oil
soybeans (1000 kg/ha legume)
2.00 kg oil — but only if you eat the whole seed
(cannot be pressed for oil in a home press)
sunflower seed (850 kg/ha)
2.2 kg oil (black oilseed variety only)
The average of the above yields is 2.0 kg of oil per 100 sq m of land. For the sake of simplicity, let’s consider that all the dietary fat that you need, 35 kg per person per year, is met by the above oil sources, neglecting the oil content of your protein and carb crops (which are generally low in fat anyway). You would then need 1750 sq m of land per person to grow 35 kg of oil in one crop per year. At an average specific density for the oil of 0.92, your 35 kg of oil is about 38 liters in volume.
So we’ve provided for the dietary needs of our macronutrients: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.
But what about vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and a variety of fruits and vegetables to make our meals healthier and more enjoyable? For that you will simply need a large backyard garden, not a mini-farm. I suggest that a garden of about 50 sq m (just over 500 sq ft.) per person is more space than you need to grow every kind of fruit or vegetable to add to your main protein, fat, and carbohydrate crops.
Now let’s add the above numbers:
main crops: 2500 sq m
(carbs and protein)
legumes: 400 sq m
(supplemental protein)
oilseed: 1750 sq m
(dietary fat)
fruits and vegetables: 50 sq m
(vitamins, minerals, fiber, and enjoyment)
Total: 4700 sq m of land per person
which is 50590 sq ft., or 1.16 acres per person
Most estimates of the amount of land you need per person to grow a complete vegetarian diet are lower than 1 acre per person, many are lower than 1/2 acre per person. I could certainly lower my above estimate by allowing for 2 crops per year, rather than one. This would make the estimate into 2350 sq m of land, or 0.58 acres per person. That extra 0.08 acres is about 324 sq m. So we could round the estimate down to one half acre per person (a little less than one quarter hectare).
My take on the above analysis is that an ideal amount of land is over one acre per person. I would plan on 1.5 acres of growing space per person, taking into account possible crop failures, land that is used for compost crops, maybe a small area for raising and feeding poultry or cattle, a perhaps a small area for some fruit or nut trees. This estimate works for nearly any location, even one with a long winter, since you are only counting on one crop per year. I conclude that 1.5 acres per person is ideal; it adds some additional margin for error and some land for additional food production to the 1.16 acres determined above.
You could certainly do well with only 1 acre per person. This area of land gives you a wide margin for error, and in all likelihood ample additional food to give away, sell, or barter. With two crops per year, and perhaps some over-wintering crops, you would have a surfeit of food.
It also helps if the total number of persons is larger. The more crops you grow and the more land, the more you can off-set one crop failure with another crop success. For example, with 10 acres for 10 persons, a complete failure on one acre would still leave you with enough food for all 10 persons (0.9 acres per person).
But a half acre per person is, in my view, too little land. In such a case, you are banking your survival on the hope that every crop produces optimum yield, no crop ever fails, the weather is optimal every season, you never have any major pest problems, you never plant the wrong variety of crop, and so on. Theoretically, you could live off of a half-acre per person, but practically speaking it is not enough land.
– Thoreau
The averages for earth and its current population when crosstabulated with the data here are politically interesting. There is no need for hunger and malnutrition on earth, it is a man-made effect.
About 30% of the dry land on earth is considered fertile. This rating is based on modern conventional agriculture, while more traditional agriculture and its variety significantly improves this number. Some crops mentioned here grow well in land perceived as non-fertile.
Without mechanical energy-hungry machines there is too much land for people to exploit for food, but there is no need for food shortages.
We all live and survive from the exploitation of the land and the lives who act/work as industrial workers on it.
ADM & Monsanto have started a war on humanity and nature. We need an international front to fight this war!
We welcome anonymity here but we wish comments would include a pseudonym in case more than two enter the discussion.
The beauty of physics is that positions that are supported by numbers/measures that are commonly accepted as indicators of what they measure are rarely refuted. Your comment above, as well as the article itself, can be explored more and in detail and that requires work, organized work by teams. Luckily we do not have funding for such work, if and when it is done conclusively it will be done from us from below.
This is not a subject to be undermined but the very essence of political discourse. There is no wide array of perspectives, there are two. The horizontal of equality and equivalency of people and communities, and that based on hierarchy and violence.
Life is a small layer of things that happen near the crust of the earth.
That was a quick response, too quick for a team to respond. The first comment was made by me, Antonio DSyG.
Yes, physics when it comes to the relation of life and environment links the life to its material base which as Karl said determines a significant portion social relations and politics. But we need ideas to bring people together, to organize and act together, in order to bring change. Creating something new can not be isolated from its historical base, it does not come from zero. Therefore we will always talk about change. Only god, if there ever was, could create something from nothing. We have no such data to support this hypothesis.
Antonio, DSyG
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