Author: Dr Eureta Rosenberg
What is it?
The experts disagree on
how to define land degradation and associated processes such as
desertification, but as an issue it is not difficult to understand. Land
degradation occurs when the economic and biological productivity of
land is lost, primarily through human activities. This can happen, for
example, when:
- Fertile soils erode away,
- Indigenous trees are removed,
- Alien plants invade an area,
- Farm land is used for housing,
- Soils become salty through poor irrigation, or
- Soils are degraded by acid pollution and heavy metal contamination.
loss of productive land obviously affects farming and rural
communities. As the land degrades, more fertiliser, machinery and
supplementary feeds are needed and the cost of production increases.
Small-scale, subsistence farmers are often unable to meet extra costs
and even large-scale, commercial farmers can find that farming becomes
impossible. As a result, farm workers and others may be forced to move
to towns and cities, only to face unemployment and poverty.
land degradation also affects our urban areas, through spreading
informal settlements and rising food prices. Water also becomes more
expensive as soil erosion makes rivers muddy and causes dams to fill up
with silt, adding to the costs of water purification and storage.
How big is the problem?
After looking at the vast array of food on display in a South African supermarket it may be hard to imagine that food security could be an issue. However, many households struggle to feed themselves and in parts of the country, notably the Eastern Cape, children suffer from malnutrition. The Earth Policy Institute predicts that, globally, insecure food supplies will become an even more a widespread source of conflict and hardship in the future.
After looking at the vast array of food on display in a South African supermarket it may be hard to imagine that food security could be an issue. However, many households struggle to feed themselves and in parts of the country, notably the Eastern Cape, children suffer from malnutrition. The Earth Policy Institute predicts that, globally, insecure food supplies will become an even more a widespread source of conflict and hardship in the future.
it is difficult to estimate the extent of the problem of land
degradation, there is no doubt that people around the world are
suffering from its effects. The term ‘environmental refugees’ has been
coined to refer to people who have had to abandon their homes because,
for various reasons, the land has lost its capacity to sustain them.
a staggering 70% of all drylands (or non-tropical regions) are already
classified as degraded. This represents 14% of the earth’s land surface
area. Africa may be the worst affected continent, as 73% of its
agricultural drylands are thought to be degraded. The number of people
affected is vast, for it is estimated that more than about 70% of
Africa’s 500 million people depend directly on the environment for their
The United Nations Conference on Environment and
Development drew up a Convention to Combat Desertification to address
the problem of land degradation. As a signatory, South Africa is
required to develop a National Action Programme to Combat
Desertification and commissioned a survey of the extent and causes of
land degradation in the country. The survey results are summarised in a
user-friendly book called Nature Divided: Land Degradation in South
Africa by Hoffman and Ashwell. Of the many aspects of land degradation
it covers, we can note only a few.
What does it involve?
Desertification is one aspect of land degradation. It is related to veld degradation (when rangelands lose their vegetation cover through over-grazing or inappropriate fires), deforestation and soil erosion.
Desertification is one aspect of land degradation. It is related to veld degradation (when rangelands lose their vegetation cover through over-grazing or inappropriate fires), deforestation and soil erosion.
refers to the loss of trees. South Africa’s trees are heavily used for
construction, herbal medicine and fuel. Up to 99% of rural households
use firewood for energy and, despite electrification projects, about 38%
of township residents also use firewood. Shortages are already being
experienced and it is estimated that, if unchecked, and at the current
rate of harvesting, trees will have disappeared from communal areas
within 20 years. While the number of people in rural villages plays a
role in deforestation, urban demand for wood and traditional medicine
also contributes to the problem. Deforestation makes life harder for
rural people, destroys the habitats of numerous creatures and
contributes to soil depletion and erosion.
Soil erosion
causes the loss of the fertile layer of topsoil in which food crops can
grow. Through factors such as reduced plant cover, topsoil is removed
by wind and water. The eroded soil can cause eutrophication of dams and
rivers and can harm the marine environment. Environmental issues that
face us today are usually the result of complex chain reactions! They
always have an economic impact. In this case, the farmer has to enrich
his depleted soils with fertilisers – costing agriculture an estimated
R1.5 billion per year.
The loss of soil quality
is another contributing factor to land degradation, through pollution
with heavy metals and acid from mines and power stations. Again, the
loss of soil productivity is expensive; for example, it costs about R25
million to neutralise the effects of acid rain in Mpumalanga.
Invading alien plants
are plants that are not indigenous to South Africa but which grow so
prolifically that they threaten indigenous plants and decrease the
land’s biological productivity. Of the 161 classified invaders, syringa,
black wattle, eucalyptus, lantana, rooikrans and Port Jackson are the
most common, covering an area about the size of Gauteng. They spread or
‘invade’ quickly, partly because the local environment has few means of
keeping them in check. As they do so, they push out indigenous plants,
reducing biodiversity. In addition, invading alien plants contribute to
soil erosion, reduce grazing areas and reduce the capacity of indigenous
plants to reproduce. Some alien plants burn more easily and intensely
than the indigenous vegetation, thus increasing the risk level and
damage caused by fire. Some also use far more water than indigenous
plants; for instance, woody aliens use about 3 300 cubic litres per
year. In the dry interior, mesquite (suidwesdoring) threatens precious
groundwater supplies. Alien trees on the Western Cape coastal mountains
and lowlands may reduce the mean annual run-off by one third. The need
to build new dams in ecologically sensitive areas could be substantially
reduced if thirsty alien species were removed.
It is interesting
to note that many plants now classified as invasive were originally
brought to South Africa as solutions to problems! They were imported to
provide fodder, to stabilise driftsands, or to supply the leather and
mining industries. Another example of a technical solution causing
unforeseen problems is the use of inappropriate irrigation systems on
some commercial farms. Not only is inappropriate irrigation wasteful it
can also cause waterlogging and salinisation. Many agricultural lands
along the Fish River have been rendered useless by poor irrigation.
Potential ‘quick-fixes’ should be considered very carefully, as they can
create further problems in the long-term. We should bear this in mind
when coming up with strategies to tackle land degradation.
What can be done?
Solutions must take into account the history of land degradation. Political practices of moving people from where they were settled into reserves and homelands contributed to the pattern of land degradation in South Africa.
former homeland areas such as Ciskei and Transkei the productivity of
the land has been reduced to such an extent that most residents are
unable to feed their families, let alone make a small profit from the
Solutions must take into account the history of land degradation. Political practices of moving people from where they were settled into reserves and homelands contributed to the pattern of land degradation in South Africa.
Black South Africans were not always impoverished as
farmers. In the 1800s Basotho farmers out-competed European settlers,
producing more grain more cheaply. Not only did they feed themselves,
they also exported sheep, horses, grain and wool to the mines and the
Cape Colony. But the government, being concerned about competition with
white farmers, restricted the Basotho’s access to markets and land, and
forced them into the barren mountains of Lesotho. Black people remaining
in what became the Republic of South Africa were eventually confined to
only 13% of the land. ‘Over-crowding’ in the homelands was blamed for
land degradation. Ironically, ‘under-farming’ may have played a bigger
role. The migrant labour system resulted in few decision-makers and
able-bodied people being available to do labour-intensive farm work.
Furthermore, there was very little money to invest in farming. Farming
around the world requires subsidies and, unlike their counterparts in
the Republic, homeland farmers had no government support or access to
As a result of the social and environmental engineering
of apartheid, people were reluctant to respond to government schemes for
improving the land. An impression developed that black people did not
care for the land. Yet, even today, farmers in Venda spend hours and
months, with little more than their own labour to draw on, building
terraces to combat erosion on the fertile slopes of the Soutpansberg
Solutions to land degradation problems should take
account of the conservation methods that some land users already
practise. VaVenda farmers’ traditional soil conservation methods include
contour ploughing, stone walls and grass strips. Large-scale commercial
farmers in the Karoo achieve considerable success with ‘holistic land
management’ methods.
These are just two of the initiatives that
we can draw on to develop flexible strategies for improving the quality
of the land and encouraging sustainable land use throughout this country
of diverse environments and cultures.
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