Oct 6, 2013

Our policy on comments published and comments rejected

Sort note on commenting by way of an example.


On this article, Just Make Me Do It, we submitted a comment as follows:

<<  This piece seems to tie well to our piece of time and energy, buyers and sellers of, http://socialphysicsinstitute.blogspot.gr/2013/07/work-energy-time-buyers-and-sellers-of.html
Time is a physical parameter to just about anything in the universe that is non-static, which means everything.  Life is bound by time at a level different than the one individually perceived, but definitely not endless, or startless.  As long as people are preoccupied with prescribed activities they are easily controlled and dominated by those that set the rules of the activities.  Only if they were to occupy the rules can they alter their activities.  Collectively they may be able, if they organize well, to take control of the rule making process.  But they have to take the initial time off to do so.  Usually only those that can afford this luxury would experience this joy.  But they are also the same who are least likely to change the rules.

"“Freedom is participation in assemblies, the ability to discuss and then decide. It is a collective freedom that we conquer. We decide about our way of life. Nobody thinks for us. The collective governance thinks but does not decide for us. The supreme authority is the assembly."

 From the Zapatistas' school of freedom >>


This comment was edited slightly by the editors but the signature did not reflect such a collaboration.  
Would this be an issue?  
We encourage discussion on such minute and insignificant subjects and content as the issue of importance of such matters has progressively been lost.  We can promise that we will either find the content of a comment too offensive to allow or publish it as it was posted.  If we have something to say about the way an idea was stated we will comment back.  We claim neither to be the best in handling written political speech nor would we pose as an authority to judge anyone.  
We believe the responsibility for public statements made lies with identity of those who sign a statement.  We are not asking to share this responsibility with anyone else, nor do we believe anyone has the right to alter a statement without signing such alteration.
Political responsibility may be avoided by transferring blame to the middleman, in this case an editor.  One should not have the luxury to escape that easy.  Especially when it comes to written positions the entity that signs such a position should be held accountable for every comma and exclamation mark used.

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