Showing posts with label The cell vs the organism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The cell vs the organism. Show all posts

Sep 19, 2013

Counter-Infrastructure School of Autonomy

In recent weeks we have been discussing and researching ideas on infrastructure as means of dependency and extortion of especially the lowest social strata.  This inquiry begun from questions and suggestions sent by readers of this blog.  What we will attempt here is a brief introduction to the dialog that has started between us and those in contact on the subject and we will gradually incorporate our perspectives into one document that will be the product of this discussion.  We strongly believe that this is the way it should be done.  From the bottom we come into the same level and organize equally amongst us to produce something of value to all.

Jul 22, 2013

The suicidal organism and the cells

A response to an article by Nilesh Chatterjee & Dharmendra Singh from  also reproduced here as

Through the training in the "individual sciences", medicine and psychology in specific, one may fail to see the forest past the trees.  This training focuses on the individual, its behavior, its development, its health, its illness, its death.  If humanity was viewed as an organism, we are unsure of when it was born/created/transformed, but it is an organism that has survived on earth for many long years, centuries, millenniums. Unlike some other organisms that were born and died, like the mammoth, the dinosaur, etc. (how is our Panda doing today? feeling a little dizzy? it must be a side effect of the life support system!), the human organism has grown, concurred, and dominated the earth and all other organisms, except a few, HIV for a example.

It may be close, or past the point of sustainable growth and domination and it will need to readopt to survive.  This can not be done by individual training, behavior modification, influence, sensitivity, or brutal force.  If it is done partially and not in totality it would be like cancer, where some cells seem to have different programming than the rest.  Cells are
born, live and die to maintain the organism.  They must have a common programming for the organism to survive.  Either an external force to the organism must alter its genetic encoding, or the organism must be forced to realize its discomfort, its pain, its  threat, and adopt to the environment to survive.  Unless, the majority of the cells can realize this urgent need, turn against the few cells and organs that drive the problem of maintaining humanity's path, and in an organized manner KILL or AMPUTATE the organs and cells that are not willing to adopt.