Amaranth grain
This is a diary which will try to bring to the attention of those
that are interested in food resources a grain that may well be what
saves the human race from starving to death. It is an
ancientt grain, grown by early American civilizations. The article linked above, one of many that I will be using, says
Amaranth has a long and interesting history in Mexico where it's been
grown and harvested for thousands of years by the Mayan and Incan
civilizations. The Aztecs believed Amaranth had magical properties that
would give them amazing strength.
Because it was important culturally to the Aztecs, the conquistadors
did their best to eradicate it. Fortunately for us, they were not
entirely successful. I say fortunately because it may be the grain that
saves us from mass starvation on a global scale.
More below the fold..
Amaranth is a very
interesting plant. It will grow just about anywhere, under conditions
that would kill any other food plant. It needs a little water when
planted and can do without until harvest if necessary. Amaranth will
grow in poor soil, in rich soil, and in rocky or clayey soil that other
crops will not grow in.
Mixed with corn flour or meal, amaranth flour or meal, is a complete
food for humans. It has all the proteins and amino acids the human body
requires for maintenance.
Amaranth is also a dual crop, the grain is a foodstuff for people,
the stalks and leaves combined with corn stalks and leaves, are a
complete feed for livestock. It can be fed in round bales or as silage.
Amaranth puts nitrogen back into the soil naturally, eliminating the
need for artificial nitrates which run off and pollute the water ways. A
field can be kept in good shape by rotating amaranth with corn without
adding any artificial fertilizer.