Showing posts with label land. Show all posts
Showing posts with label land. Show all posts

Jan 4, 2014

Why Free? And why this manifesto may be of interest

We will refrain from an endless analysis and discussion of why this book, among zillions, may be of interest to us, but we have highlighted some key phrases that drew our attention.  It may be easy to bash the book or to praise it and we may do both in the future, but it may have to be done together with all of you who may have read it.  What's the value of us providing with a reason not to read it but remain confident that its criticism is as good as reading it yourselves?

Creative Commons LicenseThe Moneyless ManifestoBoth myself and my courageous publishers, Permanent Publications, have decided to publish a free online version of this book, and the normal paperback version under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported license, for three reasons:
First, the ideas and practical tools contained within it should be free to whoever may find them useful, and not made falsely scarce by the mechanisms of the monetary economy.
Second, just as actions display our beliefs more honestly than our words, the ways in which ideas and practical tools are shared are at least as important as the words themselves. I wanted the medium to be fully aligned with the message.
Third, I wanted to release it under a Creative Commons licence because it felt fraudulent to have my name on the front of this book. As I said in the acknowledgements page of my last book, what are my words but “an accumulation of all that has come

Nov 25, 2013

Gold, Copper, Iron, Petroleum, Uranium, Water, and now Bitcoin

The world has gone mad or what we thought as sanity is not really
far from madness?  This is how silly their value system is that one does not really need to dig mountains, melt ore, have vaults, and make laws and rules to create value.  One can seat on their PC and harvest/mine coins that are not made out of any matter, use them to buy and sell material goods and services, and get wealthy collecting those virtual coins that no state and central bank in the world regulates.  Yes, gold coins are just as silly but cost lives and do tremendous damage to the land their harvested from.  The question we ask is not whether such a currency can replace other currencies or be used as a universal currency for international trade but whether this "value" system is as silly as any of capitalism's value systems. 

Here we have a description and summary of what this late madness of virtual currency is by a globally respected economics journal "The Economist".  The longer this phenomenon lasts and the longer states are unable or unwilling to control and repress it the more the traditional value systems prove their irrationality.  Thousands, millions maybe, died in battles and wars over gold and other resources so states and the elites behind them can maintain domination over land and lives.  For what?  For regulating, usually to their benefit, the accumulation in wealth, power, and control, based on a virtual and irrational value system.  Bitcoins have reduced

Oct 27, 2013

Land Degradation

Author: Dr Eureta Rosenberg

What is it?
The experts disagree on how to define land degradation and associated processes such as desertification, but as an issue it is not difficult to understand. Land degradation occurs when the economic and biological productivity of land is lost, primarily through human activities. This can happen, for example, when:
  • Fertile soils erode away,
  • Indigenous trees are removed,
  • Alien plants invade an area,
  • Farm land is used for housing,
  • Soils become salty through poor irrigation, or
  • Soils are degraded by acid pollution and heavy metal contamination.
The loss of productive land obviously affects farming and rural communities. As the land degrades, more fertiliser, machinery and supplementary feeds are needed and the cost of production increases. Small-scale, subsistence farmers are often unable to meet extra costs and even large-scale, commercial farmers can find that farming becomes impossible. As a result, farm workers and others may be forced to move to towns and cities, only to face unemployment and poverty.

Land capacity and Oil yields

In a previous article on how much land is needed to grow so much food a list of oils was included but olive oil was not on the list.  So we inquired on similar information and found this other article of useful information but the units are not similar.  As we have some knowledge of physics this is not a problem.  A Kg is equal to 1000g and a hectare is 10000sq.m. so you can divide by 100 to get your figure in Kg.100sq.m of the previous article.

We thank the editor of but as we do not believe in ownership but in sharing we will not bother with copyrights or do we consider reproduction of good information as theft, except if it was used for profit from it.  This is definitely nowhere close to any of our intents or goals, quite the opposite, to help create a world as far away as possible from profit, ownership, theft, social control, and exploitation.

Enjoy the information while it lasts free and accessible.  Create hardcopies and manuals of what you believe may be of use for you and your community, use responsibly.  This is our tool to autonomy and freedom.