Class Schedule

No, no class schedule here, you are jumping steps.  A class schedule would be decided by the student, the community, that has discussed and listed its needs for education and the method to collectively acquire it.  Then is the schedule defined.  In the meantime, we, have this to say.

Let us first begin with an analysis of what is going on around our communities, and that may vary from place to place. Some may agree with this analysis and go on reading about a proposal plan for action. It is action based on ideas that is important, not just ideas to alter our consciousness that may not lead to a course of action. Those who loosely agree on basics may (and may not) be in communication and shape a mutual course of action. A more detailed proposal. When this proposal leads to a an orchestrated move, despite of how insignificant it may seem at the beginning, it may lead to something substantial.

Around our communities are people who face significant problems. Most have to do with basic survival and are in a more urgent need for solution. The establishment and the media (the establishment's crutch) want to cover up their shortcomings of organizing society in such a way that leave many people with no options to solve their problems, as well as prohibiting them indirectly of solving problems individually. To do so, the establishment, must alter peoples' consciousness to believe that it was their fault and choice of actions that lead them into their problems, a blaming the victim technique. Some may realize that nobody in power cares to provide them with solutions or options such as to solve their problems. The fallacy of this course is that one may find ways individually to solve such problems without breaking the rules or coming into collision with the establishment (which will be portrayed as a collision of the individual with society).

Collectively people may realize that there is nobody caring to solve their immediate problems and that the only course of action is to expect political change. Political change that will come through elections, representatives, experts on problems and solutions. This is the fallacy of representative democracy. Representatives will try to solve their problems before they even attempt to actually solve the problems of those they represent. We are on our own and unless we think as forgotten, sentenced to misery, surplus of this society, victims of necessary reorganization of the nation, the country, the economy, etc. we will not be able to decide to solve out mutual problems.

What problems can we tackle? From easier to harder the classification may come later, it may vary from community to community, from time to time, and from the willingness to struggle to solve a particular problem despite of obstacles and consequences. Whether our problem is lack of quantity or quality of food, shelter, water, sanitation, education, environmental degradation, transportation, access to resources, or even lack of entertainment and free creative time, it is up to the community to set its own agenda. Where do we come into this? We must be part of a community, those around us, in space and proximity of contact, communication. Some will probably have already people who are willing o engage in such a project. It would only take a handful. Identify a common problem in your community that will draw attention to more people in need to actually solve the problem, not just talk about it. Initiate a gathering and discussion. Start with a definition of the problem from this discussion. Realize how may agree to continue the participation and those who seem to be pessimistic. Proposals for solutions will have to be restricted to realistic, able to be materialized by those in agreement to participate, and continue with proposing a very specific process under which people come together, what they discuss, how the discussion takes place, how proposals are written down, summarized, compared, and decision for mutual action can evolve. Otherwise discussions will become endless philosophical inquiries that will hinder progress.

Sometimes the problem is too large and the only realistic solution too extreme to tackle based on the realities shaped by the establishment. Some communities may be willing to struggle more and face consequences that are life threatening through prison or death. Some may settle for less and milder courses of action. It is best to feel and touch the capacity of your community to get involved. Any little step in the right direction, emancipation, autonomy, active participation, collective action, is a benefit to those around the community as well. It will be an example that this actually works, better than sitting on the couch waiting for political leaders to care about you and your problems.

Feel free to communicate with us and help shape the proposal. Start thinking of how it is possible to start a group (a community cell) with those you know and trust. We have no interest in serving as the center for anything, or have any central control, or serve as a communication center among the cells, we want to participate in something we will do in an equal and self respecting members of a platform. We do not just advocate what we propose, we have already been working on it and in time, when others will move in the same direction we will provide on an equal basis our experiences and we will share our problems. Whether you are an individual or a small group it does not matter where you are, it is time for action.

Time is running out. The crisis is spreading, people will become homeless, hungry, ill, they will have no schools or hospitals, no access to information, and they will be dying. This system will have to sacrifice millions, maybe billions, to gain full control of those left and regenerate its wealth producing capacity for the few by exploiting and controlling the rest. This is not a project to gain central power, but autonomy of a community. Our community. The more and more communities that will become autonomous and democratically implement their own rules to themselves and survive the more the less impact this crisis will have on them. Those outside the communities will become less resilient to the attack. They will have a choice, to form such autonomous communities or be sacrificed like lambs in the temple of wealth and greed.

In solidarity we move in silence. We will not be heard till we decide to be heard. It is night and it will be day! 19 years later, and close to a million people in Chiapas are living our dream. We owe great respect to those that suffered, were tortured, died or are contained in prison cells and torture rooms. We are listening! They are our teachers because we want to be students, not because they forced themselves on us as students. In a hundred years they will be 119 years ahead of us if we do nothing, but we will be 100 years ahead of those that did not do anything.

Whose side are you on?

this side
that side
the other side
any side?

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