Showing posts with label Atronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atronomy. Show all posts

Jul 31, 2013

Debating with an expert - Zygmunt Bauman

Part 1 of Zygmunt Bauman Interview

"And that all suggestions of scientists and experts possessing such (future-prediction) powers thanks to their professional training are in my view fraudulent!"

Although I read the second part first (Escaping Inside Utopia) and then started reading this first part, second, I couldn't move past this sentence without reacting and commenting.
I can predict right now, based on available data and prediction modeling based on research methodology of which statistics is a tool, that as I write this, it is dark and later it will be bright and the sun will rise from the East.  I claim to be neither a scientist nor an expert, but I challenge ZB to call me fraudulent within the next 24hr unless he is currently living in the Antarctic, in which case the sun will only come up late September.  An other prediction of the future.