Mar 25, 2014

War against people who need water

This article barely scratches the surface of what neo-liberalism really is and how things will progress globally if we do not built sufficient resistance to the goals of neo-liberalism.  Absolute dependence of life on the global market economic system and states bluntly acting as armies to enforce the rights of the corporations to which everyone will depend on for their survival.  Total conquering of land, water, life. Absolute conversion of any human activity into a commodity or prohibition and repression of any other activity. Absolute social control through dependence on the most basic needs for survival, and war on any resistance and social organization from below.  Those who resist will be branded terrorists from "corporate" media.
Some have been talking about this since the 70s and 80s and people thought of them as either conspiracy theorists or doomsday theorists, or science fiction addicts.  Just because the truth about neo-liberalism can not absolutely and completely be explained with classic political theory on capitalism (predominantly Marxism) does not mean that it is not real.  It is here.  It is Nafta for North America, it is EEC for Europe, it is WTO, it is IMF, it is everywhere!  Except for Chiapas that is.  It is not happening there.  Why?  There are no easy answers and if they were you shouldn't trust them.  Learn and decide for yourself.  This is a static advise here in the institute.  Do not even believe us.  Gather information, do your own research, decide, then organize based on your informed beliefs.  From below as they say in the caracoles.

From: NaturalNews

Many of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the enslaved, but what I'm about to share with you takes the assault on our freedoms to a whole new level. You may not be aware of this, but many Western states, including Utah, Washington and Colorado, have long outlawed individuals from collecting rainwater on their own properties because, according to officials, that rain belongs to someone else.

As bizarre as it sounds, laws restricting property owners from "diverting" water that falls on their own homes and land have been on the books for quite some time in many Western states. Only recently, as droughts and renewed interest in water conservation methods have become more common, have individuals and business owners started butting heads with law enforcement over the practice of collecting rainwater for personal use.

Mar 2, 2014

Basmati planting and the art of growing rice

Basmati Farming Practices at a Glance

Seed Selection
  • Farmers procure seeds from the trusted sources – government agencies, agricultural universities and Research centers
  • Seed required for 1 acre of the cultivation is 5-8kg approximately

Treatment of Seed
  • 1kg salt is diluted in 10 litres of water to prepare solution for treatment of the seed
  • After this 8 to 10 kg of seeds poured in this solution, in this way quality seeds are drowned within the solution and seeds which float on the upper surface are thrown as waste
  • The left seeds are washed with the water for 3 to 4 times so that the salt is completely washed out
  • The seeds, then are kept in the solution of 10 litres of water, 5 grams Emison and 2.5 grams of Agromycin or 1 gram of streptomycin for 24 hours
  • After this the seeds are spread in a small area with wet sacks on the seeds to germinate and sacks are continuously watered or regular intervals

Feb 28, 2014

Growing Chillie (or is it growing chili?) Peppers

Enough with theory and political food for thought, spring is springing up all around us (except for you poor folks way up north). It is time to leave the books and pencils (remember those?) and go out and do some work. If you procrastinate now by mid-fall you will be cursing yourselves for not starting out earlier. Some of the things we have been experimenting with (other than quinoa and amaranth as evident throughout our site) is peppers. We eat many different peppers in many different ways.
Hot peppers need some extra time to grow and produce their best so we start with them earlier. Depending on weather we may start indoors as the seeds need a certain warm temperature to germinate. Then we take the plants out once they pop up and make a temporary greenhouse out of PVC pipe and clear plastic. If you are in a sunny part of the world even if it is cold a small greenhouse sturdy enough to resist wind and just big enough to clear the plants before the temperature will warm up is sufficient. Here we found a good article with the same permaculture tendencies we have, about the tricks of planting chili peppers.

Feb 22, 2014

Call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !

Thursday 6 February 2014, by zadist
All the versions of this article: [English] [français]

Resistance and Sabotage !
This call-out is motivated by:

=> the call-out of the NoTAV movement at Val di Susa in Italy calling for a national day (22 02 2014) of mobilisation and action, each one in their area, city, environment.
=> the call-out of the ZAD movement at Notre-dame-des-Landes in France calling for a national manifestation in Nantes, France

This is a call-out for actions and manifestations on the 22 February 2014 !
  • A day of action and sabotage to abolish all those megalomaniacs, devastating projects with the illusions of a durable development, green capitalism, geo-engeenering !
  • A day of action and sabotage to regain our freedom and rights to take decisions about our own lives, our environment, our planet,( in a emancipated manner), instead of those in position of global decision-making, who are using the flag of democracy to impose their society of totalitarian power.
  • A day of action and sabotage to bring to a halt the destructions and exploitation of entire species, the waste of tons of raw materials and natural resources everyday, justified by the term ’public interest’, while behind it there’s only money, profit and capital.
  • A day of action and in solidarity with all those who fight, and for all those that lost their freedom and especially all those that are oppressed or imprisoned as "terrorists" or as simple delinquents.
  • A day of action and convergence with all those struggles heading for a different world, where life and common values are worth more than money, competition and dominance.
No border ! No Nation ! No Pasaran ! No more BULLSHIT !
From the ZAD to Val Susa ! From Hambacher Forst to Square Taksim ? From Calais to Lampedusa Hambourg to Exarchia From Heathrow to Atenco From Valogne to Wendland From Niscemi to Mayo Monte Belo to Khimki Fukushima to Tshernobyle From prison to prison
Resistance et Sabotage !

Feb 20, 2014

How a mining conflict led to the political emancipation of a community in Northern Greece.

#Skouries - a story of political emancipation

Author: Evi Papada  

skoyriesMining conflicts are increasingly surfacing globally due to complains over mines and pollution of water, soil and land occupied as well as over transport and waste disposal. The Skouries forest in Halkidiki has been at the center of a hot dispute between the mining company, Hellas Gold, a subsidiary of the Canadian mining giant Eldorado Gold and local communities. The company claims that an ambitious plan for mining of gold and copper in the area- including deforestation and open pit mining with excavation and everyday use of explosives- will benefit the region through the creation of some 5,000 direct and indirect jobs, while local residents argue that the planned investment will cause considerable damage to the environment and livelihoods, resulting to many more jobs losses in the existing sectors of the local economy (farming, pasture land, fisheries, beekeeping, food processing and tourism). The residents’ claims are supported by research conducted by various independent scientific institutions including the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the Technical Chamber of Macedonia. In addition to legitimacy questions underpinning the transfer of mining rights from the Greek state to the aforementioned company [1], the Environmental Impact Assessment produced by El Dorado has been found to contain gross methodological discrepancies and whilst the public consultation process could be at best described as cosmetic [2].

Jan 30, 2014

From Fire to Autonomy: Zapatistas, 20 Years of Walking Slowly

Saturday, 25 January 2014 09:28  
By Andalusia Knoll and Itandehui

Note: truth-out does great work in sharing knowledge about the reasons we should not yet give up any struggle.  In this great piece one should not overlook this paragraph:
mandar obedenciedo
(command by obeying): to serve and not be served; represent and not supplant; build and not destroy; propose and not impose; and convince, not defeat, from below not above.

Speaking in the mountains of Chiapas, Mexico, on a cold drizzly New Year's Eve, the Zapatista Comandante Hortensia addressed the crowd: "Twenty-five or 30 years ago we were completely deceived, manipulated, subjugated, forgotten, drowned in ignorance and misery." She was communicating the official words of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) on the 20th anniversary of their rebellion, when thousands of indigenous people rose up in arms, took over dozens of major towns and villages in this southern state, and declared "enough is enough, never again will there be a homeland that doesn't include us."
Comandante Hortensia went on to explain how over the past two decades, they have constructed their own autonomous government, complete with their own health and education system, based in the indigenous traditions of their ancestors. Despite the continual efforts of the "neoliberal bad government" to displace them from their land, the Zapatistas have successfully recuperated thousands of acres of land on which they have constructed communities that are governed "from the bottom up." Community members participate in rotating government positions that operate under the democratic principle of "mandar obedeciendo" (commanding by obeying).